African Mango for Weight Loss-The Real Benefits Can This Really Help?

The African mango, also known as Irvingia Gabonesis, not to be confused with regular mango Mangifera Indica, is a wild fruit native to West Africa. The fruit is rich in fiber, protein, and fat, which aid in weight loss. Its seed is hailed for its anti-obesity capabilities.

african mango weight loss

The fruit is marred by a lot of controversy over its weight-loss ability. A randomized control trial of obese participants demonstrated the efficacy of the fruit in reducing weight. The results indicated that the fruit reduces body fat, fasting glucose, waist size, and low-density lipoprotein. Participants lost up to 26 pounds within the ten-week trial period.

The anti-obesity effects of the African fruit stem from its nutrient profile. The entire fruit, including the seed, is good for weight loss, several powerful weight loss supplement in the market today such as Meticore take advantage of this viable nutrient. In this Meticore review the manufacturing detail how African mango has been a key ingredient to their success. However, the seed, which has a higher concentration of fiber and phytonutrients, is the most utilized fruit part.

How Exactly Does African Mango Reduce Weight Loss?

The fruit is rich in dietary water-soluble fiber. In the body, fiber is vital to sugar metabolism. It is an oligosaccharide with a high thermic effect. Its long digestion process and high caloric use are significant for weight loss. By slowly digesting fiber, the rate of glucose release into the bloodstream is reduced. The controlled rate of glucose release, in turn, inhibits insulin concentration in the blood.

Insulin stimulates the synthesis of fatty acids for storage. In the liver, glucose is converted to glycogen and stored. Excess blood sugar is also converted to triglycerides and kept in adipocytes.

Since the bioavailable sugar is not enough to warrant storage, it is expended as energy.

Additionally, the African mango’s fiber binds to bile salts in your digestive tract rendering them useless. The by-product is excreted as feces. As a result, your body uses cholesterol to synthesis more bile salts, which are essential for digestion. Thus, the fiber lowers your blood cholesterol levels.

The Fat Profile Affected by the African Mango

A study showed the total reduced lipid profile by the fruit as percentages. The wild mango lowers blood cholesterol by 39.12%, triglycerides by 44.9%, and low-density lipoproteins by 45.58%. The impact of this reduction is an increase in high-density lipoproteins by up to 46.85%.

High-density lipoprotein is the good-kind cholesterol. It removes other forms of cholesterol and lipids from the bloodstream and transports them into the liver where they are converted into excretion products.

Having high-density lipoproteins lowers your risk of high blood pressure from plaque build-up and prevents heart attack. Furthermore, it also stimulates weight loss.

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Obesity is characterized by high concentrations of low-density cholesterol and low levels of high-density cholesterol. Low levels of these good lipoproteins increase the intake and storage of fat in the adipose tissue, particularly, in the abdominal region.

Additionally, high levels of low-density lipoproteins stimulate the breakdown of good cholesterol. The fruit’s action on the body’s fat profile is good for weight loss and maintaining cardiovascular health.

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Weight Reduction

The wild African mango seed has varying forms and concentrations of ellagic acid and ellagitannins. Ellagic acid and its glycosides are natural polyphenols that regulate fat and glucose metabolism. The two reactions are central in increasing body weight, and their complications affect body weight regulation.

In fat regulation, ellagic acid works amid triglycerides to reduce the rate of differentiation of fat cells. It also regulates the rate of fat cell formation.

Additionally, the seed has flavonols quercetin, kaempferol, and alkaloids, which aid in weight loss. The nutrients facilitate weight reduction by decreasing fat cell synthesis and storage. The antioxidants also have a crucial role in reducing inflammation.

The African mango has become a fruit of contention because of the booming production of supplements in the market. The selling point of these supplements is their ability to reduce weight.

While eating the fruit is good for fat reduction and blood glucose regulation, it is not feasible for weight loss. The fruit does improve obesity complications, but evidence on weight loss has been countered on numerous occasions because of the emphasis on consuming the fruit alone.

Losing weight requires more than just eating fruit. It calls for watching what you eat and exercising. Taking this wild fruit alone is not sustainable in the long run.


  • Allan Morgan

    Allan Morgan is a registered dietitian specializing in sports nutrition and plant-based diets. He completed his nutrition undergrad in the United States. In his free time, Allan loves exploring new corners of the world.

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