How long does it take to lose 30 pounds? People are taking the advantage of fasting as it is seen to provide faster and healthy results when it comes to weight loss.

Thus, an extreme fast may lead to losing 0.5 lbs of weight every day. This means it may take about 2 to 8 months days for someone to lose 30 pounds of weight.
Tips to help you Lose 30 Pounds
- Up your protein consumption
Protein is among the top foods nutrition experts recommend for individuals looking to lose weight. Protein serves to aid someone feels satisfied for an extended period. Proteins have fewer calories, and they reduce food cravings helping someone to reach his or her weight loss goals.
There is also evidence that foods with high protein increase muscle mass and decreases belly fat. Further, it results in higher metabolism for your weight curbing your cravings and appetite.
- Avoid refined carbs
Cut on the baked foods right regularly. Therefore, reduce the intake of white bread, white pasta, and white rice to lose 30 pounds faster. Carbs are also said to spike someone’s blood sugar which causes cravings that leads to someone eating more than required. Further, individuals who consume refined carbs are still at risk of increasing visceral fat in their bodies.
- Consume foodstuff with fiber
The human body is said to digest fiber very slowly, meaning it takes a long time in the stomach, thus making someone fill full. The soluble fiber is rich in vegetables & fruits and helps increase the stool bulk, absorb water, and empty your stomach.
Further, fiber may stabilize your blood sugar rates preventing spikes and crashes that result in rising hunger feelings. On the other hand, the insoluble fiber tends to encourage normal movements of your intestinal contents.
- Drink water often
Water is always the number tip when it comes to weight loss. Drinking water before consuming your meals helps to make you full and reduces your calorie intake.[Also read: How To Lose 30 Pounds In A Few Months]
- Exercising
Exercising is an essential part of your lifestyle if you are looking to lose 30 pounds in the shortest period. When entering into the exercising industry, start slowly and increase your frequency and intensity gradually as you move on. Below are top exercises you can try:
- Cardio exercises
This type of workout tends to increase someone’s heart rate, which in turn helps to burn extra calories. Further, these workouts remove body fats and build your muscle mass. Take around 40 and 20 minutes every day to perform aerobics such as jogging, biking, boxing, swimming, and hiking.
- Doing cardio:
Include the burpees and stand straight while hands-on sides. Squat speedily and place hands on the exercising ground. Further, push the legs out to plank posture with weight right on the arms. Now do push-up, quickly jump back to squat, returning to standing position.
Do mountain climbers- start in the best plank position ensuring your leg is forward while knees are facing the arms. Now move your leg back and other forward and repeat.
Do skipping while your feet are apart. Hold your light skipping rope handles and use flick on the wrist, then fling the rope under your feet, over your head and jump over your rope as it comes under the feet.
- Resistance training
Resistance training helps shrink someone’s muscles as well as build endurance and strength. It enhances functional independence, physical performance, cognitive abilities, walking speed, movement control, and other related benefits. In addition, this kind of workout helps to increase a lean body mass alongside boosting the number of calories your body is burning even when you are resting.
- High-intensity best interval training
This is another type of workout that increases someone’s heart rate. And by this, you burn more calories. To begin doing HIIT, consider alternating between 25 and 20 seconds and practice activities such as jumping rope, high jumps, or burpees.
Final word On how long does it take to lose 30 pounds?
With so many claims that excess body weight is not safe for our bodies, many people try different methods to lose weight. However, remember that you only need to lose weight safely and healthily to be on the safe side. And on today’s topic about losing 30lbs, it can be achievable with your hard work and determination. The above guide will significantly help you towards achieving this goal earlier. Good luck