The weight loss and fitness industry are loaded with multiple solutions that claim to be super effective. One of the most popular ones includes raising your body temperature. Some recent research studies show that exercising on heat can significantly help you burn more calories.

Does Increasing Body Temperature Burn Fat? While some people may be skeptical about this, it’s something that’s still heavily under research. Typically, burning calories makes your body use energy stored as fat. One of the best weight loss supplements to increase body temperature is Alpilean; in a sense burning calories helps your body burn fat. If you want to lose weight, let’s find out if raising your body heat helps boost the fat-burning process.
Here is How Body Temperature May Affect Weight Loss
- Burning Fat By Drinking Hot Water
Some health researchers recommend drinking lukewarm or hot water throughout the day or every morning. According to them, this helps you burn fat by increasing your body temperature.
Drinking hot or lukewarm water boosts fat burning by altering your body temperature. For your body to compensate for the water’s high temperature relative to your body, it activates metabolism immediately after lowering the body’s temperature.
Watch your fat intake if you’re trying to cut down some extra pounds. Hot water mobilizes fat in your body into molecules while breaking them down, making it easier for your digestive tract to burn them.
- Exercising in the Heat
Did you know that your body temperature spikes while exercising to keep up with your body’s increased physical demands? Your body’s naturally built-in cooling system produces sweat to eliminate heat through evaporation. Adding a hot climate to this process and your body has hard work to Reduce the temperature, helping you burn more calories and fat.
So, while exercising in the heat, your body burns more calories, helping you burn fat. However, the amount of fat burned is so little that it doesn’t substantially impact weight loss.
Exercising in a hot environment or weather will facilitate efficient blood flow in your skin while leaving less on the muscles. According to some researchers, such a phenomenon can help boost anaerobic metabolism in which your body transforms glucose into lactate. That way, you’ll burn more fat and convert it to energy instead of using oxygen alone.
- Sauna therapy
According to popular research, bathing in water or staying in a room at temperatures between 150-195° can help you lose weight. Another research study indicated that staying inside the sauna is like moderate-intensity physical exercise.
By simply sitting in a sauna at the recommended temperature, you’ll be increasing your body temperature, which helps you lose weight by burning calories similar to the amount burned in half an hour of resting.
Notably, the amount of fat and calories you burn while seated in a sauna is insignificant. But a significant amount comes from losing water weight through sweating. Also read: 8 Foods That Increase Body Temperature
That’s why it’s advisable to hydrate immediately after walking out of a sauna to avoid dehydration. Most doctors don’t recommend using a sauna as the primary way of losing weight. Instead, they recommend including it as part of your weight loss routine.
- Weight loss benefits of Sauna therapy
Aside from those mentioned above, sauna therapy has other weight loss benefits;
- Increases Metabolism
When exposed to a severely hot environment, your body is forced to work much harder, heightening your heart rate by up to 30%. With a high Heart rate, your metabolism is triggered, boosting the caloric and fat-burning process. According to health experts, sauna temperatures of up to 250 degrees can help boost your metabolism by about 20%.
The weight loss Impact can last for some time after walking out of the sauna. However, if you want to maintain these positive fat-burning consequences, you should work out at least 10 to 15 minutes after walking out of the sauna. For maximum effectiveness, only do this 2 to 3 times a week.
- Reducing Stress
If you’re stressed, it’s highly unlikely you’ll meet your weight loss goals. The tension caused by stress makes people eat more due to high cortisol production. And if you’re craving more calories, shedding those extra pounds becomes challenging.
According to a particular research study, staying in the sauna helps lower the body’s cortisol levels. While reducing the high sauna temperatures enables you to get into a meditative state. Reducing cortisol levels translates into a boost in the happy hormone endorphins. Lower stress levels make you more inclined to engage in weight loss physical activities.
- Detoxification
As your body temperature rises, sweat helps detoxify your body by removing toxins and free radicals that hinder weight loss. Sweating also helps your body eliminate heavy metals such as lead, zinc, and mercury.
One primary importance of detoxification is clearing the lymphatic system to enable your body to burn fat more efficiently. Moreover, this gives you more energy to work out a more speeding fat-burning rate. Notably, staying in the sauna is healthy for people who often don’t exercise or those who typically stay indoors.
- Boosts your capacity to exercise more often
If you want to avoid complications associated with respiratory problems or generally boost your respiratory function, staying in the sauna for a couple of minutes will do the trick. Additionally, this helps boost the vasodilator’s nitric oxide production. This triggers the validators to enlarge your blood vessels, increasing blood flow.
Efficient blood flow enhances your capacity to exercise and work out more intensely for extended periods without feeling exhausted. With a steady workout consistency, investing in a sauna in your home should help you burn fat relatively faster.
Final Thoughts
Raising your body temperature to lose weight doesn’t primarily bear significant results. However, it triggers other aspects that help you lose weight quite faster. Note that Raising your body temperature to lose weight is something you shouldn’t do regularly as it puts you at risk of heat stroke and dehydration.
So while spending time in the sauna, be careful to leave quickly. Dehydration risks include vomiting, dizziness, fainting, muscle cramps, and nausea. Also, severe dehydration can cause kidney problems which may hinder weight loss. Before beginning your workout routine or walking into the sauna, ensure you’re properly hydrated.