How Long Does it Take to Lose 100 Pounds: Fastest Way To Lose

how long does it take to lose 100 pounds? Losing weight may be challenging without practical tips and tactics, most probably when targeting a large goal. When you hear losing 100 pounds or more, it may seem intimidating, most probably when getting started.

how long should it take to lose 100 pounds

Of course, how long you can take to lose 100 pounds of weight will depend on different factors like your current weight etc. In the below article, you will know how long it may take to lose 100 pounds as well as the tips which make it possible.

How long will it take to lose 100 pounds?

According to the experts, we are all different in how we commit ourselves when it comes to weight loss. Some are actively involved in diet changes, exercise, and other lifestyle changes towards achieving their most prominent weight loss, while others do are not active.

And this is what differs from the time of achieving to lose 100 pounds. A specific pound of fat tends to be 3,500 calories, meaning you need to typically burn 7,000 calories to shed off 2 pounds in a week.

However, if you stick to recommended tips and exercises, it’s claimed that you can lose 100 pounds within six months and one year.

I have deep –researched some of the top recommendations based on experts and some people’s experience on how you can make it possible to lose 100 pounds with an above specific duration of time.

  • Increase the fiber intake

Fiber is known as an indigestible carb, which aids someone in shedding off excess bodyweight simply because it slows down the rate at which stomach what you have eaten. This, in turn, aids someone to feel fuller for an extended duration switching you from overeating.

Further, recent studies have tested and proven that fiber, most probably the soluble one, might reduce the hunger hormones production like ghrelin as well as increase the productions of cholecystokinin fullness hormones.

Therefore, when someone curbs his or her appetite, fiber can aid low calories intake leading to effortless weight loss and within the shortest time possible. Fruits, vegetables, seeds, whole grains, nuts, and more are good sources of foods rich in fiber.

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  • Reduce your refined carb intake

Refined carbs intake can abnormally increase someone’s weight gain within a short duration. Therefore, when you reduce their intake can be an effective start to lose 100 pounds in a few months.

Generally, refined cars are as well-known as simple sugars, carbs, and refined grains which have been stripped of the fiber and nutrients during their processing.

The popular sources of these refined carbs comprise white flour, white bread, sweets, pasta, and pastries. In this case, consider cutting back on juice, soda, and energy drinks because they lack essential nutrients, have more sugar and calories, and contribute towards weight gain. Overall, consume healthy refined carbs like quinoa, rice, whole–grain bread, couscous, and high proteins foods.

  • Track calorie intake

Your body will require burning calories compared to what it consumes to lose a more significant amount of weight. And the two specific ways to do this are exercising more and eating fewer calories foods.

Tracking the calories intake in your body aids, you stay alert on how many you are burning every day to make some adjustments or stay on that specific track.

Essentially, the specific number of calories someone should consume depends on different factors like lifestyle changes, starting weight, activity level, and sex. Therefore, to determine the number of calories you usually consume, you can use the food journal or app.

However, tracking your calories intake tends to exceptionally work well when right paired with top healthy lifestyles modifications like exercising regularly and consuming more vegetables. Overall, tracking the calorie intake will aid you to stay right specific weight loss goal.

  • Consume more protein

Do you want to effectively lose 100 pounds in a short period, then consider increasing protein consumption? Foods in protein tend to increase someone’s metabolism, preserve muscle mass, reduce harmful abdominal fat and curb your appetite.

Further, a higher protein diet can as well prevent weight regain. Essentially, choosing healthy foods like nuts, seafood, meats, legumes, legumes, and eggs are top ways to typically increase someone’s protein intake.

  • Do more cardio

Workouts are essential to lose excess weight in the body. Therefore, aerobic exercise is among the common physical activity to promote heart health and burn calories. Further, weight training may also help shed off excess weight.

And this includes working out against the forces to eventually increase muscle endurance and strength. Generally, resistance training is great when it comes to increasing someone’s metabolism, and this allows the body to effectively burn excess calories in the body.

Overall, the simplest way to begin workouts is hitting the gym, performing exercises such as lunges, squats, and planks when you are at home. In addition, for some of us who may not have been used to cardio, they can try to walk more frequently and gradually switch to jogging towards our comfort zone.

  • Fill with vegetables

Most of us have information that vegetables are healthy, but researchers have tested and proved that around 91 percent don’t consume veggies. And besides veggies being healthy, they are rich in other powerful properties which help someone lose weight. However, beginners consume more veggies because they are rich in water content that provides them with low energy density.

  • Stay accountable

To effectively shed off a large amount of weight like 100 pounds, responsibility is the key. And the great way to get responsible is by keeping your food diary.

This allows someone to monitor his food intake. Further, you can as well try staying and working with family and friends sharing the same weight loss targets join an online weight loss platform or preferably a private one.

Final verdict On How long does it take to lose 100 pounds

It’s essential to know that it might take about six and one year or even more to burn 100 lbs. A balanced diet and healthy may always keep someone off the hook. To fasten this process stay away from fizzy drinks, fast foods and keep practicing the above tips and practices. Overall, motivation and determination are crucial.

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